Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Peeing In The Pool

Confess now, did you ever as a little kid just let it go when you were swimming? Am I the only one? I know I did it more than once in Lake Michigan. Somehow the city of Chicago seems to have survived it.

So, what then to make of this?

Drain, Scrub, Refill

Is there no one with common sense in Portland? The random dead cat, old tire, crow crapping, etc. are all just fine, but seven ounces of recently processed Bud Light is going to upset the citizenry?


Ed said...

I would presume they have never lived in the country and drank water from an irrigation ditch or been in the woods and drank from a stream.

Dweezil Dwarftosser said...

And, from across the Pacific:
Soylent Brown is Poople !!!

(Just in time for the Obama regime to mandate its use in school lunch sandwiches; it's organic, and 100% recycled, you know . . .)

MagiK said...

Well its not like the community has a money problem or anything...think of all the Jobs it created....cleaning up that pee.

an Donalbane said...

I once remarked to my Dad (a man of similar sensibilities as yours) that a certain imported beer "tastes like pi$$".

His succinct rejoinder?

"What's your point of reference?"


It's always best to think before speaking...