Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Silk Purses and Sow Parts

It is morbidly fascinating to watch this day unfold. The vituperation heaped upon the late Sen. Ted Kennedy by the right side of the political spectrum and the glorification by the left side on the "Lion" of the senate and patron of all that welfare patrons would seek.

The right half isn't scorning him with lies or innuendo. His behavior over his years in public life was quite visible and for anyone whose name was not Kennedy and living in the shadow of Camelot, it would be political disgrace. But his name is Kennedy and the money, power and influence of the family rendered him immune. It is inevitable and even necessary that the younger generation who tend to swoon over this stuff be reminded of what he has done. It isn't a pretty picture.

The left half works with the traditional currency of the breed; emotions, identity politics, political largesse and the calling in of favors. Teddy was the scion of a dynasty built on entitlements--the entitlement of a wealthy and powerful family to simply take whatever political office they required at the time without concern for niceties like residence in a district or citizenship of a state. As Kennedys, a few calls could be made, some back-fill paperwork could be done, and voila, the position was theirs for the taking. And, the entitlements that are delivered to the needy of the electorate in return for political loyalty and votes. We give to you, we take from the rich (except from our own privileged group) and in return you reward us with fawning adoration.

The last contribution to the socialization of America from the former Oldsmobile submarine commander will be the sympathy vote for single-payer, nationalized healthcare. We've already got Pelosi and Boxer bleating about Teddy's legacy and what he would have wanted to be remembered for. And the former Grand Kleagle of the W. Virginia Klan, Sen. Robert Byrd, has not delayed for even a couple of hours in suggesting that the unwritten senate healthcare bill be named after Kennedy.

The news of the day is good and bad. The good news is the number of folks accurately recalling the evils of the man. The bad news is the deification by the other side and the attachment of the tear-jerking to the healthcare debate. It would take a heartless Dem to vote against ol Ted's legacy.

Increasingly I am convinced that we Americans are too ignorant, greedy and venal to be a democracy in any form. Where can we find an honest and benevolent dictator?


Anna said...

Name the bill after Kennedy? Sheesh. Marry cash for Oldsmobile submarines with British hospitals that kill patients with super staph. Fraking brilliant.

What Would Mary Jo Think? Oh wait she cant, Ted murdered her.

Anonymous said...

Ted Nugent for Emperor

Kevin said...

Second. All in favor, say "aye"!