Saturday, August 29, 2009

No First Amendment On School Grounds

That's what the interpreter said, "schools have different rules and don't have any first amendment rights for citizens" attending political rallies which aren't school events in the first place. Not all citizens rights are restricted, only those that disagree with the Messiah's proposed policy and who would seek to express that sentiment to their elected representative!

Watch the death of American in a minute and a half:

Assembly? Expression? Representation? Equal protection under the law? Nope, none of that under the new regime.

That sign over there is OK, and those over there are just fine, but yours is disapproved...because it has a picture? Your picture is trespassing?

This is absurd, but I'll bet it becomes commonplace until Lexington and Concord and the reenactment of the Alamo...


jjet said...

Well said, Fast Eddie, well said.

OTOH, wasn't it under our compassionate, conservative ,Christian former president that we saw "free speech zones" conveniently located behind cyclone fences several blocks away from the event being protested?

IMO, there is very little difference between the two political parties. They're both screwing us. About the only real difference is in the rate, depth and frequency. Of course the repubs often use a little KY, so to the general electorate they're obviously the better of the two....

Unknown said...

Here, here. Your words ring true. Where is the champion of the common man? Are there none left with the wisdom and character to lead this great country?

Anonymous said...

Is the cop going to get sued?

LauraB said...

What is most frightening to me is that the man exhibited absolutely no frisson, no appropriate quaking at his utterance.

He BELIEVES it - just as he believes a great many other things, I'm certain.

But what keeps me awake is that he is but one of millions who believe the very same thing.