Saturday, April 21, 2012


How does one get on the mailing list to get invited to conferences like this one? University professors from major American schools gather to discuss the gross injustice of a free market capitalist system in a nation which is conspicuously hostile to the United States and our erstwhile ally, Israel:

Occupy the Corporations Planning in Iran

Pathetically, this will go unnoticed in the US and parents will continue to eagerly write those checks for $35,000 a year to educate little Biff and Buffy regarding how vile America is. And alumni will continue to endow the festering cistern of our demise.


Anonymous said...

Hanoi Jane is being joined by company.

Anonymous said...

LTC Rasimus, Had poser Groves ever been a soldier I would feel obligated to apologize to the former POWs on behalf of all of us who had been soldiers. I will reserve that apology until proven necessary. There must be some poser organization that tells these guys how to dress and that they must all look just plain "shaggy." Bylaws or something? Looking at the picture in the article reminds me that most who have honorably served, E-1 through O-10 represent their country, their branch, and themselves respectfully. Posers, not so much. regards, Alemaster

Dweezil Dwarftosser said...

Well . . . Fordham does have a Garbology Project touted on their website - and now (apparently) admits women. It was males only when I was young. (I spent much of my teenage years on Da Bronx's Fordham Road; the school's campus is at the bottom of the hill.)
However, I never knew anyone that went there; nobody could afford it, so no one even tried.

From the website:
"Fifteen Fordham students have signed up for the task of seeing what can be learned by studying the material society leaves behind today—our garbage."

It'll be November before we find out if they're talking about our republic.